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Sage the Barista Touch – SES880BST4GUK1


Create third wave speciality coffee at home with ease.

Barista-quality performance with new intuitive touch screen display with pre-programmed café drinks menu and automatic milk texturing. All within a compact footprint. A built-in grinder delivers the right amount of ground coffee on demand and with a 3 second heat up time, you go from bean to cup, faster than ever before.

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The Barista Touch  creates third wave speciality coffee at home. The 250g built-in grinder automatically delivers the right amount of ground coffee on demand. Creating an aromatic, full-bodied experience. The ThermoJet heating system achieves the optimum extraction temperature, 93°C, in 3 seconds. PID temperature control ensures the nuanced flavour notes of sour, salt, sugar, roast and bitter are perfectly balanced.9 Bar pressure is applied during the extraction process via our 15 Bar Italian pump. Delivering charming, caramel-coloured coffee.The steam wand automatically textures the milk to a velvety mouthfeel. Creating microfoam capable of pouring latté art. The intuitive touch screen display with 5 pre-programmed café drinks menu essentially places the barista in your home. So you can enjoy café quality coffee when and wherever you chose. With a 3 second heat up time, you go from bean to cup, faster than ever before.

  • 54mm Full stainless steel portafilter
  • Single and double wall filter baskets
  • 480ml Stainless steel jug
  • ClaroSwiss water filter
  • Integrated tamper
  • Razor precision dose trimming tool
  • Cleaning kit
  • Water hardness test strip
Product Features:
  • Hot water
  • One/two shots
  • Touchscreen display
  • BPA free water tank
  • Adjustable grind control
  • Thermojet heating system
  • Integrated coffee grinder
  • Bean hopper capacity 250g
  • 5 pre-programmed cafe favourites
  • Programmable milk temperature and texture
  • Automatic cleaning function for steam wand
  • Create, save and name 6 customisable coffee settings
the Barista Touch™ Espresso Machine • Sage
Create third wave speciality coffee at home with ease.

Barista-quality performance with new intuitive touch screen display with pre-programmed café drinks menu and automatic milk texturing. All within a compact footprint. A built-in grinder delivers the right amount of ground coffee on demand and with a 3 second heat up time, you go from bean to cup, faster than ever before